The Clarity Corner with Megan Seamans
Welcome to the Clarity Corner! Hosted by Life Coach, Energy Coach, and Human Design Guide Megan Seamans. In this corner of the world, you'll find tips and strategies to activate full clarity. Every week you'll get an unedited coaching session to help you see a new perspective and unlock clarity where you least expected it. You'll also get a weekly conversation with Megan and special guests designed to give you practical tips and forward motion in life. We talk through the topics that don't get enough spotlight in life, what it looks like to live fully by design, and stories that changed our life path from one single moment. Because that's all clarity takes, a single moment.
The Clarity Corner with Megan Seamans
Clarity Coaching: Old Patterns Resurfacing
Send Megan a Question For A Future Episode Here!
In this solo episode, Megan goes through the current Lunar Eclipse Season patterns that are resurfacing old patterns to heal through and how to navigate big feelings especially when there are contrasting feelings all at once.
Considerations for you:
What patterns are arising to the surface that are ready to come to a close? As they do come to a close, what new patterns do I welcome in that are in alignment with my highest self?
Resources mentioned:
- Moving Through Grief Article: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/moving-through-grief-im-strong-because-i-feel-it-all/
- Episode with Mandy: https://podcast.meganseamans.com/2313374/14494409
- Moonology Card Deck: https://amzn.to/3Vz4b9j
- Rising Woman IG post mentioned: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ycwFBvaha/
Gifts and connection points from Megan:
Learn more about coaching at: https://www.meganseamans.com/coaching
Follow Megan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meganseamans/
Join the Clarity Corner Broadcast Channel on IG: https://ig.me/j/AbbFOR4OJYVzrDA1/
Get the free Human Design Roadmap: https://www.meganseamans.com/purposebydesign