The Clarity Corner with Megan Seamans

You Are Not Broken with Linda Perry

Megan Seamans Johnston Season 1 Episode 23

Today we are joined by Linda Perry, a mindset coach and business strategist for a very important conversation. Linda brings us all home to the reminder, we are not broken. In a world of quick fixes and hot takes, I find this conversation so refreshing! 

We cover:

  • A look into the stories you're telling about yourself and to yourself
  • Consider -- Can you hold yourself in compassion?
  • Understanding in practice what it looks like to make aligned decisions
  • What does it look like to pause and still believe in your results?
  • Defining creativity to support your success
  • And so much more... 

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About Linda:

Linda Perry is a mindset coach & business strategist who works with individuals, business owners and their teams become more self-driven and move toward 7-figure success. So many people get stuck on a plateau and don’t know how to move forward, Linda uses a mindset first approach to support  individuals and teams to tap into their core motivations, strengths and frees them from their blocks so they can soar past 7 figures. 

She is also a recovering attorney & copywriter and uses her skills of persuasion to show business owners how to make the impact they desire. Linda works with clients through her private coaching, group courses and workshops. She is also the lead business instructor at Levin Life Coach Academy where she teaches new coaches how to build a thriving coaching practice.

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